What are the issues of stomach pain?

Taking painkillers for stomach discomfort can neither ease the signs nor exacerbate the condition, also bring about major upper stomach problems such as gastric ulcers, stomach hemorrhage and gastric perforation. The acidic digestive juices in the stomach seize the day to strike the stomach wall, which can cause abscess, erosion and also result in stomach perforation. Furthermore, there are some signs and symptoms that come with stomach pain:
1, stomach pain accompanied by hemoptysis, recommending thoracic conditions: such as bronchial dilatation inflammation, consumption, foreign body birth injury 6 tumor abscess, parasites. Cystic pneumoconiosis, carcinoma sitting and metastatic cancer, pulmonary stasis lung infarction. Bronchopleural sleepiness, hematologic esophageal diseases, nephrotic syndrome. Idiopathic lung ferrous hemosiderosis endometriosis and so on.
2, tummy discomfort with throwing up blood, more suggestive of esophagogastric, duodenal, upper jejunal gallbladder, systemic conditions, such as portal hypertension blood loss esophageal inflammation, cecal chambers inflammation, international body injury acute hemorrhagic gastritis, gastroduodenal polyps, stomach myenteric prolapse anxiety ulcers, gastric tumors bleeding in advanced stages, duodenal vascular disease systemic conditions Gerd hematological illness) and more.
3, tummy discomfort with fever, tummy discomfort with high temperature, suggesting that the tummy dental caries viscera have inflammatory sores, such as intense gastritis appendicitis, pancreatitis, etc; such as first high temperature after tummy discomfort suggests that the interior conditions such as pneumonia, pneumococcal pneumonia pleurisy, consumption pleurisy, epidemic hemorrhagic fever, key gastritis.
4, stomach discomfort with urinary abnormalities, tummy pain with oliguria and anuria or urinary regularity, urinary urgency, hematuria and pyuria, etc much more symptomatic of urinary system swelling. Injury, stone lump, congenital diseases. Such as a variety of stressful illness triggered by tummy discomfort integrated with acute kidney failing nephritis, renal ureteral bladder and wrist stones, urinary tract consumption benign and deadly growths, roaming kidneys and more.
5, stomach discomfort with defecation irregularities, no defecation without defecation is common in numerous kinds of intestinal obstruction; tummy discomfort and looseness of the bowels prevails in severe gastroenteritis and dysentery, and so on; tummy pain with the Division of blood in the pediatric intussusception, adult colonic inflammation, swelling and pain polyps, cecal chambers of inflammation, abscess, and so on; with the blood in the stools prevails mesenteric vascular apoplexy or embolism strangulated digestive tract blockage, digestive tract hemangioma tear, necrotizing enterocolitis, etc. 6, stomach pain with queasiness and vomiting, mainly seen in various sorts of intestinal tract obstruction (blockage torsion, nesting, perforation of the human belly pyloric obstruction gastritis. Ulcer, cancer torsion, opening), blame door inflammation lump, bleeding, spasm and more. There are likewise severe gastritis gastroduodenal ulcer, duodenitis, intense gastroenteritis acute appendicitis, severe pancreatitis, acute cholecystitis and cholangitis and rocks biliary ascariasis, acute xanthogranulomatous liver disease.